George H. John
Stanford BS '91, MS '95, PhD '97
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George John is currently CEO of Rocket Fuel Incorporated, a well-funded startup in silicon valley aiming to disrupt online advertising with a modern, quantitative data-driven approach. Add some rocket fuel to your career today, and email your resume to Previously, George was Senior Director for Behavioral Targeting and Personalization at Yahoo!, where he grew his team from 3 to 90, grew ad revenues 3x, drove a major Yahoo! property from #3 to #1 with personalized recommendations, delivered systems for SEO and SEM analytics and optimization, led a major technology acquisition and partnerships with eBay and third party merchants systems built in his organization drive significant ad revenue and help Yahoo!'s 300M+ users navigate to the Yahoo! properties they will enjoy. Previously, he was director of product management for analytics and community at, one of the most successful IPOs of 2004. There, George created executive dashboard and analytics features that were key to enabling the company to close large enterprise deals and differentiate against competition from Siebel and Microsoft.

Previously, George was at E.piphany, which he joined as employee #13 in 1997. As product manager and engineering director, he created a "data mining for marketers" suite of uniquely usable and scalable data mining tool, and recruited seven top Stanford CS and MBA students. Later as a sales consultant and sales manager he helped the company grow from $0 to $127M revenues and an IPO in three years, closing key deals at Wells Fargo,, Time Warner, and Applied Materials – all of which were either the first wins in their respective industries or record deals in terms of revenue or size.

Prior to joining E.piphany, George was the first senior data mining analyst in the Global Business Intelligence Solutions division of IBM, where he built a team of ten star analysts and worked as a liason between the research, consulting, and software groups. He also consulted for Fortune 500 companies in North America and Asia, focusing on CRM and the financial services industry.

George serves or has served on the advisory boards of several private companies including Enviz, Quindi and Intelligent Results, where he assists in product definition, sales, marketing, and corporate development. He also advises the National Science Foundation on its investment in data mining research in the US, and volunteers with AIHE, a nonprofit focusing on medical education.

George earned a BS, MS, and Ph.D. with Distinction from the Computer Science Department of Stanford University, where his research was supported by a National Science Foundation fellowship. His dissertation on data mining has been read by over 1500 researchers and practitioners from such institutions as the International Monetary Fund, General Electric, Oxford, and MIT. His first publication is one of the top ten most-cited publications in both machine learning and artificial intelligence. George remains an active member of the data mining research community, and serves as a reviewer or committee member for various journals and conferences. He also holds a patent in the integration of data mining and relational databases.

[New Book!] [Thesis] [Publications] [Resume] [Data Mining] [Finance] [Neural Nets] [Statistics] [Machine Learning]

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