J. (Jiaxiang) ZHANG ------------------- 745 Greer Rd 650.283.4889 Palo Alto zhang@cs.stanford.edu CA 94303 http://robotics.stanford.edu/~zhang IMMIGRATION STATUS: US Permanent Resident OBJECTIVE: Applied research and development in numerics and computing EXPERIENCE: 8/99- present Sun Microsystems, Senior Member of Technical Staff Participated in Java imaging software design and development Wrote many image processing classes in Java 9/92- 8/99 Research assistant, Stanford University. Wrote C and Matlab programs for Structure from Motion and camera 3D motion computation with statistical methods and numerical optimization methods 9/96- 12/98 Senior Staff Researcher, Allstate Research and Planning Center. Wrote C++ programs to model fixed income, such as yield curves and convertible bonds, and insurance cost Presented results to the top management 9/95- 9/96 Research Intern, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories. Matlab programs for art reproduction with National Gallery, London by parametric estimation Presented results to the top management 6/94- 9/94 Summer Intern, Intel Corporation. Worked on image enhancement project in Matlab and C Presented results to the research group 6/93- 9/93 Summer Intern, Intel Corporation. Worked on models of world-wide PC sales and video games Presented results to the Marketing department 6/90- 9/90 Visiting Researcher, Dalhousie University, Canada Published research results. COMPUTER SKILLS: Operating systems: Unix, Windows, Linux Programming: C, C++, Java, Matlab, Maple, Perl, FORTRAN and HTML HONORS / PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION: Presidential Fellowship, The Ohio State University Granted from American Math Society to attend its centennial meeting Member, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Member, SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) EDUCATION: 1992-99 Stanford University, Ph.D in Computer Vision/Scientific Computing 1986-91 Ohio State University, Ph.D in Mathematics 1985 Nanjing University, M.S./B.S. in Numerical Analysis RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS: For a full list, see http://robotics.stanford.edu/~zhang. A Resampling Method for Computer Vision (with C. Tomasi.) Ninth International Symposium on Robotics Research, ISRR '99, October 1999 How to Rotate Cameras (with Carlo Tomasi). ICIAP 1999 Is Structure-From-Motion Worth Pursuing? (with C. Tomasi.) Seventh International Symposium on Robotics Research, ISRR '95, October 1995, 391-400 Experiments With a Real-Time Structure-From-Motion System (with C.Tomasi and D. Redkey). Fourth International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, ISER '95, June 1995, pp. 123-128 Rational systems, Chebyshev rationals, and orthogonal rationals (with P. Borwein and T. Erdelyi). J. of London Mathematical Society, Vol. 50 (1994), no. 3, 501-519 Orthogonal polynomials: their growth relative to their sums (with P. Nevai and V. Totik). J. of Approximation Theory, Vol. 46, 1990 References: Available upon request