Learning the Dimensionality of Hidden Variables
G. Elidan and N. Friedman
In Proc. Seventeenth Conf. on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
(UAI), 2001.
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A serious problem in learning probabilistic models is the presence of
hidden variables. These variables are not observed, yet
interact with several of the observed variables. Detecting hidden
variables poses two problems: determining the relations to other
variables in the model and determining the number of states of the
hidden variable. In this paper, we address the latter problem in
the context of Bayesian networks.
We describe an approach that utilizes a score-based agglomerative
state-clustering. As we show, this approach allows us to efficiently
evaluate models with a range
of cardinalities for the hidden
variable. We show how to extend this procedure to deal with multiple
interacting hidden variables. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this
approach by evaluating it on synthetic and real-life data. We show
that our approach learns models with hidden variables that
generalize better and have better structure than previous approaches.
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