Nondeterministic Actions and the Frame Problem
C. Boutilier, and N. Friedman.
Preliminary version appeared in Extending Theories of Actions, AAAI
Spring Symposium, 1995.
Postscript version
PDF version.
We describe a logical system and methodology for the
natural specification of nondeterministic actions.
The logic combines elements of dynamic logic, process logic
and the situation calculus and allows one to express alternative
( actual and possible) paths or sequences of events.
Our system permits a simple solution to the frame problem for
nondeterministic actions that ``completes''
user-supplied theories of action.
While drawing inspiration from Reiter's solution for the
deterministic case, some of the main intuitions underlying
this solution must be abandoned in the nondeterministic setting
due to possible correlations among effects.
We show our completion is unambiguous and faithful to our
stated intuitions, and that in a deterministic setting our
solution is equivalent to that of Reiter.
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