Experiment name | Clinical attributes |
Bhattacharjee01_AD-114T1-A9-1 * | Cancer (Lung cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Adenocarcinoma (Lung cancer), Lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Lung cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Stage T1 (Lung cancer) |
Bhattacharjee01_AD-123T1-A25-1 * | Cancer (Lung cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Adenocarcinoma (Lung cancer), Lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Lung cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Stage T1 (Lung cancer) |
Bhattacharjee01_AD-253t1-A168-4 | Cancer (Lung cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Adenocarcinoma (Lung cancer), Lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Lung cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Stage T1 (Lung cancer) |
Bhattacharjee01_AD-294t1 dup b4 -A104-3 * | Cancer (Lung cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Adenocarcinoma (Lung cancer), Lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Lung cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Stage T1 (Lung cancer) |
Bhattacharjee01_AD-AD1T1-A383-7 | Cancer (Lung cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Adenocarcinoma (Lung cancer), Lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Lung cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Stage T1 (Lung cancer) |
Bhattacharjee01_NL-6084-A335-6 | Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Normal tissue (Lung cancer), Normal lung tissue (Lung cancer) |
Bhattacharjee01_NL-7530-A338-6 | Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Normal tissue (Lung cancer), Normal lung tissue (Lung cancer) |
Blader01_HFF_infected_with_PDS_tachyzoites_14_hours_duplicate_1 | Fibroblasts (Fibroblast infection*), Skin fibroblasts (Fibroblast infection*), Toxoplasma infected skin fibroblasts (Fibroblast infection*) |
Boldrick02_Diversity_Dataset_S_aureus1_timecourse_0_5_hr | Lymphocytes (Stimulated PBMC*), Monocytes (Stimulated PBMC*), Primary blood mononuclear cells (Stimulated PBMC*), Stimulated immune cells (Stimulated PBMC*), Hematologic samples (Stimulated PBMC*), Hematologic samples and cell lines (Stimulated PBMC*), 0.5hr immune stimulation (Stimulated PBMC), S. aureus stimulated immune cells (Stimulated PBMC) |
Chen02_HCC_HBV_HK24 | Hepatocellular carcinoma (Liver cancer), Adenocarcinoma (Liver cancer), Cancer and cell line (Liver cancer), Cancer (Liver cancer), Hepatitis infected liver (Liver cancer*), Liver tissue (Liver cancer*), Liver tissue, cancer or cell line (Liver cancer*), Invasive liver tumor (Liver cancer) |
Chen02_HCC_HBV_HK27 | Hepatocellular carcinoma (Liver cancer), Adenocarcinoma (Liver cancer), Cancer and cell line (Liver cancer), Cancer (Liver cancer), Hepatitis infected liver (Liver cancer*), Liver tissue (Liver cancer*), Liver tissue, cancer or cell line (Liver cancer*), p53 positive hepatocellular carcinoma (Liver cancer), Invasive liver tumor (Liver cancer) |
Chen02_Liver_HBV_HK19 | Hepatitis infected liver (Liver cancer*), Liver tissue (Liver cancer*), Liver tissue, cancer or cell line (Liver cancer*), Non-tumor liver tissue (Liver cancer) |
Chen02_Liver_HBV_HK63 | Hepatitis infected liver (Liver cancer*), Liver tissue (Liver cancer*), Liver tissue, cancer or cell line (Liver cancer*), Non-tumor liver tissue (Liver cancer) |
Chen02_Liver_HBV_SF23 | Hepatitis infected liver (Liver cancer*), Liver tissue (Liver cancer*), Liver tissue, cancer or cell line (Liver cancer*), Non-tumor liver tissue (Liver cancer) |
Garber01_199_97_Adeno_c | Cancer (Lung cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Adenocarcinoma (Lung cancer), Lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Lung cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*) |
Garber01_219_97_normal | Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Normal tissue (Lung cancer), Normal lung tissue (Lung cancer) |
Garber01_222_97_Adeno | Stage T2 (Lung cancer), Cancer (Lung cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Adenocarcinoma (Lung cancer), Lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Lung cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*) |
Garber01_222_97_normal | Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Normal tissue (Lung cancer), Normal lung tissue (Lung cancer) |
Garber01_223_97_Adeno | Stage T2 (Lung cancer), Cancer (Lung cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Adenocarcinoma (Lung cancer), Lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Lung cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*) |
Garber01_226_97_Adeno | Cancer (Lung cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Adenocarcinoma (Lung cancer), Lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Lung cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Non small cell lung cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*) |
Garber01_306_99_normal | Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Normal tissue (Lung cancer), Normal lung tissue (Lung cancer) |
Garber01_314_99_normal | Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Normal tissue (Lung cancer), Normal lung tissue (Lung cancer) |
Garber01_315_99_normal | Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Normal tissue (Lung cancer), Normal lung tissue (Lung cancer) |
Nutt03_Brain_CG_9 | Classical malignant glioblastoma (Gliomas), Cancer (Gliomas*), CNS tumor (Gliomas*), Cancer and cell line (Gliomas*), CNS tissue, cancer or cell line (Gliomas*), CNS cancer or cell line (Gliomas*) |
Ramaswamy01_Normal__Lung_LU_1 | Normal tissue (Various tumors), Normal lung tissue (Various tumors) |
Ross00_A549_CL1004_NSCLC | Fast doubling (20-40) cell lines (NCI60), Cell line (NCI60*), Cancer and cell line (NCI60*) |
Ross00_HCC_2998_CL4002_COLON | Colon cancer cell line (NCI60), Fast doubling (20-40) cell lines (NCI60), Colon tissue, cancer or cell line (NCI60), Colon cancer or cell line (NCI60), Cell line (NCI60*), Cancer and cell line (NCI60*) |
Ross00_Normal_Breast | Cancer and cell line (NCI60*), Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (NCI60), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (NCI60), Breast tissue or cancer (NCI60), Female hormonal tissue or cancer (NCI60) |
Shipp02_FSCC18 | Hematologic samples and cell lines (B lymphoma), Lymphoma or lymphoma cell line (B lymphoma), Lymphocytes (B lymphoma*), Hematologic cancer and cell line (B lymphoma*), Cancer and cell line (B lymphoma*), B cells (B lymphoma*), Follicular lymphoma (B lymphoma), Hematologic cancer (B lymphoma*), Cancer (B lymphoma*), GC B like DLBCL (B lymphoma), Lymphoma (B lymphoma) |
Singh02_T27__tumor | Prostate (Prostate cancer*), Prostate cancer (Prostate cancer), Prostate cancer or cell line (Prostate cancer), Cancer and cell line (Prostate cancer), Cancer (Prostate cancer), Adenocarcinoma (Prostate cancer) |
Staunton01_NSCLC_A549ATCC | Fast doubling (20-40) cell lines (NCI60), Cell line (NCI60*), Cancer and cell line (NCI60*), Epithelial cell line (NCI60) |