Experiment name | Clinical attributes |
Alizadeh00_DLCL_0048 | Lymphoma or lymphoma cell line (B lymphoma), Lymphocytes (B lymphoma*), Hematologic cancer and cell line (B lymphoma*), Cancer and cell line (B lymphoma*), B cells (B lymphoma*), Diffuse large B cell lymphoma tumor or cell line (B lymphoma), Hematologic cancer (B lymphoma*), Cancer (B lymphoma*), Diffuse large B cell lymphoma - DLBCL (B lymphoma), Activated B like DLBCL (B lymphoma) |
Bhattacharjee01_COID-3580-A302-5 | Cancer (Lung cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Lung cancer*), Lung tissue, cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Lung cancer (Lung cancer*), Lung cancer or cell line (Lung cancer*), Lung carcinoid (Lung cancer) |
Boldrick02_Diversity_Dataset_Bp_LPS_timecourse_12_0_hr | Lymphocytes (Stimulated PBMC*), Monocytes (Stimulated PBMC*), Primary blood mononuclear cells (Stimulated PBMC*), Stimulated immune cells (Stimulated PBMC*), Hematologic samples (Stimulated PBMC*), Hematologic samples and cell lines (Stimulated PBMC*), Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulated immune cells (Stimulated PBMC) |
Boldrick02_Diversity_Dataset_S_aureus2_timecourse_24_0_hr | Lymphocytes (Stimulated PBMC*), Monocytes (Stimulated PBMC*), Primary blood mononuclear cells (Stimulated PBMC*), Stimulated immune cells (Stimulated PBMC*), Hematologic samples (Stimulated PBMC*), Hematologic samples and cell lines (Stimulated PBMC*), S. aureus stimulated immune cells (Stimulated PBMC) |
Boldrick02_Dose_Response_Dataset_S_aureus_100X_dose_timecourse_24_0hr | Lymphocytes (Stimulated PBMC*), Monocytes (Stimulated PBMC*), Primary blood mononuclear cells (Stimulated PBMC*), Stimulated immune cells (Stimulated PBMC*), Hematologic samples (Stimulated PBMC*), Hematologic samples and cell lines (Stimulated PBMC*), S. aureus stimulated immune cells (Stimulated PBMC) |
Perou99_HMEC_EGF_then_refed_EGF_for_1_5hrs | Epithelial cell line (Breast cancer), Cell line (Breast cancer), Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Human mammary epithelial cells - HMECs (Breast cancer), Human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) or normal breast tissue (Breast cancer), Normal female hormonal tissue and cells (Breast cancer) |
Perou99_HMEC_X_Confluent_HMEC | Epithelial cell line (Breast cancer), Cell line (Breast cancer), Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Human mammary epithelial cells - HMECs (Breast cancer), Human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) or normal breast tissue (Breast cancer), Normal female hormonal tissue and cells (Breast cancer) |
Perou99_HMEC_X_HB2_0164 | Breast cancer cell line (Breast cancer), Epithelial cell line (Breast cancer), Female hormonal cancer cell line (Breast cancer), Cell line (Breast cancer), Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Breast cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*) |
Perou99_HMEC_X_HMEC_EGF_for_2days | Epithelial cell line (Breast cancer), Cell line (Breast cancer), Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Human mammary epithelial cells - HMECs (Breast cancer), Human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) or normal breast tissue (Breast cancer), Normal female hormonal tissue and cells (Breast cancer) |
Perou99_HMEC_X_HMEC_Interferon_alpha_24hrs | Epithelial cell line (Breast cancer), Cell line (Breast cancer), Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Human mammary epithelial cells - HMECs (Breast cancer), Human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) or normal breast tissue (Breast cancer), Normal female hormonal tissue and cells (Breast cancer) |
Perou99_HMEC_X_HMEC_TGFbeta_24hrs | Cell line (Breast cancer), Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Human mammary epithelial cells - HMECs (Breast cancer), Human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) or normal breast tissue (Breast cancer), Normal female hormonal tissue and cells (Breast cancer) |
Perou99_HMEC_X_Hs578t | Breast cancer cell line (Breast cancer), Epithelial cell line (Breast cancer), Female hormonal cancer cell line (Breast cancer), Cell line (Breast cancer), Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Breast cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*) |
Perou99_HMEC_X_MCF7_NCI | Breast cancer cell line (Breast cancer), Epithelial cell line (Breast cancer), Female hormonal cancer cell line (Breast cancer), Cell line (Breast cancer), Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*) |
Perou99_HMEC_X_Matrigel | Epithelial cell line (Breast cancer), Cell line (Breast cancer), Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Human mammary epithelial cells - HMECs (Breast cancer), Human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) or normal breast tissue (Breast cancer), Normal female hormonal tissue and cells (Breast cancer) |
Perou99_HMEC_X_NB2 | Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Breast tissue or cancer (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal tissue or cancer (Breast cancer*), Human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) or normal breast tissue (Breast cancer), Normal breast tissue (Breast cancer), Normal female hormonal tissue (Breast cancer), Normal female hormonal tissue and cells (Breast cancer), Normal tissue (Breast cancer) |
Perou99_HMEC_X_Senescent_HMEC_2 | Epithelial cell line (Breast cancer), Cell line (Breast cancer), Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Human mammary epithelial cells - HMECs (Breast cancer), Human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) or normal breast tissue (Breast cancer), Normal female hormonal tissue and cells (Breast cancer) |
Perou99_HMEC_control_X_HMEC_Interferon_gamma_24hrs | Epithelial cell line (Breast cancer), Cell line (Breast cancer), Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Cancer and cell line (Breast cancer*), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (Breast cancer*), Human mammary epithelial cells - HMECs (Breast cancer), Human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) or normal breast tissue (Breast cancer), Normal female hormonal tissue and cells (Breast cancer) |
Ramaswamy01_Normal__Cerebellum_Brain_Ncer_S-51 | CNS tissue, cancer or cell line (Various tumors), Normal tissue (Various tumors), Normal CNS tissue (Various tumors), Normal cerebellum tissue (Various tumors) |
Rosenwald01_CLL_57 | Lymphocytes (B lymphoma*), Hematologic cancer and cell line (B lymphoma*), Cancer and cell line (B lymphoma*), B cells (B lymphoma*), Hematologic cancer (B lymphoma*), Cancer (B lymphoma*), Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B lymphoma), Leukemia (B lymphoma), Leukemia or leukemia cell line (B lymphoma) |
Rosenwald01_CLL_66_SL106 | Lymphocytes (B lymphoma*), Hematologic cancer and cell line (B lymphoma*), Cancer and cell line (B lymphoma*), B cells (B lymphoma*), Hematologic cancer (B lymphoma*), Cancer (B lymphoma*), Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B lymphoma), Leukemia (B lymphoma), Leukemia or leukemia cell line (B lymphoma) |
Ross01_Hs578T_ATCC | Cell line (NCI60*), Cancer and cell line (NCI60*), Breast cancer cell line (NCI60), Female hormonal cancer cell line (NCI60), Breast cancer or cell line (NCI60), Breast tissue, cancer or cell line (NCI60), Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line (NCI60) |