5 dof Arm

Carlos Guestrin                 Dirk Ormoneit

Single Robot
Two Mobile
5 dof Arm
7 dof Snake


5 Degrees of Freedom Robot Arm


Here we consider a 5 dof robot with constrained ranges on the joint angles. The first problem is to find a path from these initial and final configurations:



A conservative path can be found with success probability of 0.95, this path will have length 10.07. The robot must still traverse a narrow passage (3rd image) in an area of high uncertainty:

Animated Path


Relaxing the probability of success to 0.81, yields a path of length 9.23. This path is more direct, but involves entering risky areas in another two occasions:


Animated Path


A further relaxation of the constraint to 0.60, the path becomes much shorter (7.81) and more direct, but involves entering deeper into risky areas:


Animated Path



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